Veohavta Lerayacha Kamocha

At the heart of our school is the biblical teaching of “Veohavta Lerayacha Kamocha - Love your neighbour as yourself…” which underpins all Jewish and British values. 
 Every week pupils get the chance to nominate their peers for this special award. They have to explain the reason why this pupil deserves the award and then they are presented with a certificate in our whole school assembly on a Monday morning followed by the whole school singing our 'Veohavta lerayacha kamocha' song together.
This teaching is embedded into our whole school with non Jewish lunchtime staff also regularly wanting to nominate pupils when they see examples of this in the lunch hall or in the playground. Every week pupils get the chance to nominate their peers for this special award. They have to explain the reason why this pupil deserves the award and then they are presented with a certificate in our whole school assembly on a Monday morning followed by the whole school singing our 'Veohavta lerayacha kamocha' song together.

Examples of reasons why children have been nominated are:-
When they see someone who has no one to play with, they will go over and invite them to join their game.
If they see that someone is sad and has fallen out with their friends, they will try and sort out the problem to make it better for them.
When there were no seats left at the lunch table where my friends were sitting, they got up to give me their place and they sat with other children.
Here are some photos of our previous recipients of this award.