Iyar 2024

Mr. Tabor led a very moving assembly for Yom hazikaron. An israeli pupil lit a candle and the children stood for a minute silence to honour all soldiers who have perished defending  the Land of Israel and civilians killed in terror attacks. Mr. tabor told the story of 3 different soldiers, one an israeli muslim, a female soldier and Binyomin Airley who has connections to Manchester. We also introduced the Mitzva challenge in his memory which we have taken on as a school. We asked the children to use kind words to everyone.

Yom Ha'aatzmaut was celebrated in school as a whole day celebration starting with a whole school assembly, davening with Hallel and then  full of singing and flag waving. The children then enjoyed a whole day of activities including a blue and white day in preschool, an imaginary trip to Israel for reception, an Israeli themed treasure hunt in KS1 and stations for KS2 including Israeli dancing, arts and crafts, ,israeli themed kahoot and puzzles. The children also enjoyed a special israeli lunch with pitta, chopped salad and ice cream.

Year 6 pupils gave a special presentation in our Yom Hashoah assembly. They lit 6 candles each one dedicated to a child/adult who died in the Holocaust and the children stood for a minute silence in honour of all those who perished. Mrs. Glickman told the story of 2 children who managed to survive the Holocaust.
Mrs. Noemie Lopian came to speak to Years 5 & 6 about the story of her mother who escaped the Nazis.

Rabbi Chaim Cohen, Head of Kodesh at Yavneh Boys School joined King David Primary School for a Pre Yom Yerushalayim assembly. He spoke about achdut (unity) linking this in with Yom Yerushalayim, Shavuot and this week's Parasha. He is pictured with year 3 pupils.

Our family educators held a special Yom yerushalayim parent child craft event for reception pupils and parents. The children made their own beautiful kotel using coloured clay, which was then framed to take home and display.

Year 2 create pop up cards for Yom Yerushalayim. They did the kotel with oil pastels and wrote their own prayer to Hashem.