Elul 2024

Michoel Balshine from Whitefield Shul joined us for a special Havdalah assembly

Year 4 pupils learnt all about the Jewish months, Rosh Chodesh and the phases of the moon. They used 'oreo' type biscuits to create their own moon phase designs.

Year 2 create a beautiful honeycomb in the classroom with examples of Mitzvot.


Year 3 created different animal horns from clay.

We were proud to be part of Friendship Day in conjunction with the Friendship Circle. Pupils took part in lots of special friendship activities.

Year 1 created beautiful 3D Rosh Hashana cards.

Our Family Educators held a pre Rosh Hashanah parent/child event where pupils made a beautiful honey jar to go on their Yomtov tables.


Our Family Educator, Rabbi Dovi, joined us for assembly and told a story all about the treasure we have inside each of us.

We have special visitors for our assemblies.